
Friday 15 January 2021

How self-ordering Kiosks will help your restaurant grow?

Ever felt wretched when your customer decide to eat elsewhere because of the long queue to place an order in your restaurant?

Let’s face it, nobody likes waiting in queues.

And especially in this unprecedented time of Covid-19 people are really concerned about face-to- face contacts, as well as long queues.

But at the end of the day, you need sales and productivity which is the ultimate result of customer satisfaction.

But how to make this happen?


The answer is really simple — self-ordering kiosk.

Today every industry tremendously depends on technology for enhancing customer experience and grow revenues. Needless to say, independent restaurants and food outlets have adopted this technology to organise the orders and diminish face-to-face exposure and interactions with servers.

Are you wondering what self-ordering kiosks are? Are they worth investing in?

Let’s start!

What is a self-ordering kiosk?

Just like a sophisticated vending machine, a kiosk provides customers the power to order and pay by themselves. The kiosk is a small free-standing system that shows the whole menu for the customers to select from. The orders are placed directly at the POS without the interference of the cashier or server.

Why they are in huge demand?

Self-ordering booths are not a new invention. Food companies like McDonald’s, Paneras, and many more are already using it as a principal factor in their takeaway food ordering systems and fast- casual chains around the world. Before the pandemic, many major restaurant chains had already added a restaurant ordering system to streamline the orders and for better time management. And of them reported that they found success with the technology with an uplift of 10-20 percent in sales.

self ordering kiosk

The concept of self-ordering counters was already bestowed a warm welcome from restaurants and customers, the technology becomes even more favoured after the COVID-19 pandemic, predominantly due to its multiple safety perks. Some food chain suppliers are even launched touchless kiosks to make the service, even more, safer for the COVID-19 era.

Let’s accentuates some unique and major features of self-ordering kiosks:

  • Provides customised menu display.
  • Offers hassle-free ordering process for customers within a click.
  • Provides a display of prices for combos and add-ons.
  • Provides payment flexibility by supporting all kinds of payment options.
  • Revert accurate and specific instructions to the kitchen about the orders.
  • Provides customer notifications when their orders are ready.
  • Offers loyalty solutions that can reserve customer’s data and store it for future orders or marketing purposes.

How it becomes beneficial for your restaurant?

1.  Fewer queues, More orders.

Let’s face it, customers hate waiting in lengthy lines. And it often happens especially during peak business hours.

A self-ordering counter can help to reduce those wait times by allowing customers to place their order, send it directly to the kitchen, make payments, and collect the food from the counter when it’s prepared, all in just a few taps.

self ordering

Sounds great! right!

Therefore, installing a kiosk will assist you to manage more people and take more orders as it effectively inhibits any delays in the overall service time.

2.  Increase basket size

Want to sell more of your most productive food items? The solution is here!

One of the main benefits of a self-ordering booth is that it encourages customers to buy more food. It showcases images of the various food items that make the dish look more tempting and captivating and people are more likely to buy it.

Restaurant ordering systems have no area restrictions and have more room to tempt buyers into ordering more profitable items through imagery and enthralling food descriptions.

3.  Reduced labour cost and other operational costs

With rising operational and maintenance costs, needless to say, every restaurateur looks towards reducing all types of expenses while maintaining a harmonious customer experience. This software helps the fast food supply chains and restaurants to streamline orders and increase productivity.

And also it helps to reduce labour costs and offers restaurateur to assign their financial assets in other important domains and hence lead to much-needed development.

4.  Enhance customer satisfaction

They are renowned for quick service. It effectively reduces the order time and lets people place their orders swiftly, even during busy hours. Restaurants can use this advanced software to collect data and create more highly targeted and customised promotions, something that should improve the dining experience as well as the takeaway orders with the worthwhile help of the takeaway food ordering system and hence lead to a plethora of repeat business. Kiosks are fast, adaptable, and offer a great customer experience, making them essential for every restaurant.

takeaway food ordering system

5.  Enhance your return on investment

Looking for the best ways to boost your ROI?

A kiosk is the best way to boost your restaurant revenue. With this upgraded system, customers are directed through their complete order step by step. The customisation feature of adding more paid

toppings or getting a combo-helping will surely improve the revenue for sure. You can thus enjoy a massive ROI.

6.  Accurate bill generating system

Since the food industry is a highly competitive world, you can outrace your competitors with the advantage of point of sale billing software which furnishes faster sales. Since the kiosks are attached to restaurant POS software it facilities a self-service billing solution without the participation of any employee.

Restaurant technology is moving along expeditiously. Having the best of it will help your staff to do tasks more efficiently and focused to eliminate flaws or frustrations. It’s the right time that you should appreciate that with different digital techniques, advanced technology, and loyalty schemes, we can impress your customers and gain more profit.

self ordering system

So, now as you understand the different advantages of the self-service booth, what are you waiting for?

We uphold the fact that technology will continue to be a major part of our day to day business activities. Every single industry is highly dependent on hi-tech facilities and also enjoying the boon of this digital advancement too.

Needless to say, even after the COVID-19 pandemic has dwindled, kiosks are predicted to grow in fame, thanks to the array of blessings they offer to both customers and restaurateurs.


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